As AGE group of Companies, we have worked with the target of a better future in all our realized projects through our almost half a century period of activity, all the while being aware of the impact we have on society together with our work processes.

As we grow day by day through our projects and investments reaching the four corners of the globe, our guide in what we do and how we do it has always been our corporate values and ethics. From this understanding, we have always acted with the consciousness of our responsibility towards our employees and customers first, and towards all our social shareholders and the society.

In all of the projects that we have undertaken we pay attention to;

  • Using the technological means and qualified human resource we have at maximum productivity,
  • Continuously monitoring the ecological impact of all our job sites and investments and minimizing the negative impacts,
  • Implementing positive discrimination for the employment of the local community,
  • Always being a pioneer in social development through our support in education and arts and the social assistance projects we have realized.